ProMAC 2018

Keynote Speaker - Prof. Dr. Shigeaki Tanimoto

New Paradigm of Information Security Management in the Digital Transformation Era

Prof. Dr. Shigeaki Tanimoto
Head of Department,

Chiba Institute of Technology



Digital Transformation has attracted attention as technologies such as big data, IoT (Internet of Things), AI (Artificial Intelligence), and robotics have progressed and the real and virtual worlds have been fused. Digital Transformation is also expected to be a fundamental technology contributing to Society 5.0, which has been proposed for creating new business models and realizing a super smart society in Japan.

However, as Digital Transformation becomes more important in technical infrastructure, the threat of cyber-crime is also becoming larger. Accordingly, information security is becoming more and more important. A representative set of information security guidelines is ISMS (Information Security Management System, ISO/IEC 27001). This ISMS stipulates that the confidentiality, availability, and integrity of information assets should be maintained in a well-balanced manner and continuous improvements be made.

Generally, many companies have established information security systems on the basis of this ISMS and are taking various countermeasures against threats, but security incidents have not yet decreased. As causes of this, the IPA (Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan) cites problems such as "emasculation of information security policy" and "chronic lack of information security personnel." In addition to conventional countermeasures, new information security management incorporating elements of the non-cyber environment, such as human psychology, and security investment are needed to solve these problems.

This keynote speech explains the new information security management paradigm against cyber-attacks that are increasingly intensifying and diversifying as technology progresses. Specifically, this keynote speech describes the necessity of new information security management that includes elements of the non-cyber environment such as psychological, economic, and physical aspects.



Dr. Shigeaki Tanimoto is currently a professor in Chiba Institute of Technology, Japan. He received the B.E., M.E. and Dr. E. degrees from Tokushima University, Japan, in 1982, 1984 and 1997, respectively. In 1984, he joined NTT Laboratories, known as a major Japanese telecom company. From 1984 to 2009, he was researching and developing private integrated networks, such as a PBX, a LAN, and an Internet VPN. Especially, from 1991 to 2009, he was developing information security services as a senior research engineer of the project team in NTT laboratories. Furthermore, he was a visiting professor of National Institute of Informatics (NII) from 2005 to 2007. Since 2009, he has joined Chiba Institute of Technology.


His research interests include information security management, network security service, internet application service and so on. He is a director of The Society of Project Management (SPM). He also a senior member of The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE), a senior member of Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), and a senior member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). He received Distinguished Service Award from Life Intelligence and Office Information system (LOIS) of IEICE in 2006. Furthermore, he received the Paper Award from Security Psychology and Trust (SPT) of IPSJ in 2017. He has published 26 transaction papers and 72 proceeding papers of SPM, IEICE, IPSJ, IEEE and so on. He also developed lots of new technologies with regard to telecommunication such as a virtual private network and he got 20 patents (including overseas patents).